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24 Hour Crisis Support Line

About KSAC

In Peterborough, Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton, and Northumberland

We offer:

  • Crisis Support
  • Advocacy and Accompaniment
  • Individual Counselling
  • Group Counselling
  • Workshops
  • Prevention Education

We work with local agencies to provide responsive healing supports and prevention education events.

We work with people of all genders aged 16+ who have experienced any form of sexual violence or harm, whether recent or historic. This can include (but is not limited to) gender-based sexual violence, childhood sexual abuse, non-contact sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, workplace sexual harassment, other forms of sexual harassment, and all forms of sexual assault.

Our work is grounded in an intersectional, feminist, anti-racist, anti-oppressive framework. Our work is also rooted in trauma and violence informed principles of safety, transparency, choice/collaboration, and resilience. We strive to offer a safe environment for healing and to foster the development of trust through ethical practice and confidentiality.


We recognize that each person is the expert in their own life and we’re ready to walk alongside survivors as they make the choices that are best for them. We encourage people to recognize their personal resilience and to honour the challenges they have experienced as they move forward with their unique healing journey.

History of the Centre

The Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre was founded in 1977 at the request of the Trent University Administration following a number of sexual assaults against women reported on campus. Women students developed a steering committee and liaised with the broader community and other Rape Crisis Centres. The Centre was originally named Peterborough Rape Relief Centre.

On April 10, 1984, the Centre was incorporated under the name of Peterborough Rape Crisis Centre. The Centre’s name was changed to the Sexual Violence Support and Information Centre of the Kawarthas on July 1, 1994 and was once again changed on November 8, 1997 to Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre.

The Centre was staffed solely by volunteers from 1976 until 1985 when a full time Centre Coordinator was hired. In 1987, a part-time bookkeeper and part-time Public Education Coordinator were hired. It was not until 1989 that a part-time group facilitator and a part-time counsellor were added to the staff. Volunteers continue to be an integral part of the Centre.

Today, the Centre has full-time counselling, community engagement, and administrative staff. The name of the organization and its location have changed throughout the years, but the vision of the organization continues to be as a leader in the building of a safe, healing and equality-based community.

Our Funders

KSAC is proud to receive funding from the Ministry of Children and Community and Social Services, Government of Canada – Public Safety Canada, United Way, Trent University, Fleming College, Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Canadian Women’s Foundation, and the City of Peterborough.

Young people hold up cardboard signs with messages supporting women's equality
A group of staff stands smiling at a KSAC booth

Did you know that it costs $50 a month to support one survivor?

KSAC provides healing, safety, and support to those affected by sexual violence and harm, and aims to end sexual violence through prevention education within our communities.

Contact Us

24 Hour Crisis Support Line

Get Involved

Charitable Business Number: 107837528RR0001

People of All

Backgrounds, genders, sexualities, ages and abilities are treated with respect and dignity in a nonjudgmental and supportive environment at Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre.

A KSAC logo displaying on a progressive pride flag button alongside an accessibility symbol of a person in a wheelchair signal KSAC's commitment to accessibility and inclusivity